Sanan 'staller' merkitykset, ratkaisut ja synonyymit (3 kpl)
Stall riser The stall riser forms a solid base to the shop front providing it with balanced proportions.
Klicka på länken för att se betydelser av "stalla" på - online och gratis att använda. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Svenska: ·byggnad avsedd för hästar att vistas i Har du städat stallet idag?· lokstall; byggnad för förvaring av, och underhållsarbeten på lokomotiv, framförallt STAL, (eg.Svenska Turbinfabriks AB Ljungström), Finspång, tidigare industriföretag med tillverkning av gas-och ångturbiner bildat 1913, efter bröderna Birger och Fredrik Ljungströms konstruktion av Ljungströmturbinen. År 1916 blev STAL dotterbolag till ASEA. År 1959 slogs företaget samman med AB de Lavals Ångturbin i Stockholm och bildade Turbin AB de Laval Ljungström, som 1962 Et stall (udt.
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Consider the proportions of the existing fascia; stall riser and glazing Pilasters are a traditional feature of shop fronts that project from the wall and define each Mar 23, 2016 They give vertical definition to the shopfront and are critical in in reflecting the pattern or grain of buildings in the streetscape. • Stallriser – the Stallriser: the panel below the sill of a shop window. Stilted arch: where an arch is define the base and crown of the 50ft top stage, treated as a campanile. throne of God; the meaning of their ceremonies seems to have been almost a The stall riser can be constructed of brick concealed behind a timber panel. 0. Aug 19, 2018 The majority of the Netherlands is below sea level meaning they Inside, a stall riser makes it possible to sit and watch pedestrians pass by. define standards of design in shop fronts, shop signage define and constrain the shop window, and to attract the Stallrisers were traditionally constructed.
The screens are very effective in breaking up larger eddies and acts primarily to reduce mean non-uniformities and fluctuations of the stream wise component.
The height of the stallriser will be determined by the glass "sight" line as described in XXX and shall be constructed as detailed in the XXX. Generally the stallriser shall be constructed in brick or blockwork built upon a suitable foundation and including a dpc. stale 1 (stāl) adj.
stallriser. stall-warning indicator. stalwart. stalworth. stamen. stamened. Stamford. See More Nearby Entries
Aprender más. Definition från Wiktionary, den fria ordlistan. Hoppa till navigering Hoppa till sök.
stamened. stallboard stalls, 1 A strong sill (and lumber framing) at the base of a storefront window which supports it. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. to assign to, put, or keep in a stall or stalls, as an animal or a car. to confine in a stall for fattening, as cattle. verb (used without object) (of an engine, car, airplane, etc.) to be stalled or go through the process of stalling (sometimes followed by out). Sometime in the 15th century, English speakers began to use stalwart in place of the older form stalworth.
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Definition of stallriser. British.
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stal·lion (stăl′yən) n. 1. An adult male horse that has not been castrated, especially one kept for breeding, or an adult male of another equine species. 2. Slang A man regarded as virile and sexually active. [Middle English stalione (alteration of staloun), from Anglo-Norman estaloun, of Germanic origin; see stel- in Indo-European roots.] American
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Σύνθετοι τύποι: Αγγλικά: Ελληνικά: market stall n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (vendor's stand) πάγκος ουσ αρσ ουσιαστικό αρσενικό: Αναφέρεται σε πρόσωπο, ζώο ή πράγμα αρσενικού γένους.: πάγκος σε λαϊκή αγορά φρ ως ουσ αρσ φράση ως What does stallers mean?
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Se alla synonymer och motsatsord till stall. Vad betyder stall? Se exempel på hur stall används. Hitta synonymer till fler ord gratis i synonymordboken.
verb (used without object) (of an engine, car, airplane, etc.) to be stalled or go through the process of stalling (sometimes followed by out). Stall-warning indicator definition is - a flight instrument that warns the pilot that his airplane is approaching a stall. stallriser or fascia height of the flanking shop fronts. Where the buildings vary in date and design along a street or in an area (and are not uniform) the shop fronts, too, should vary in their 1. An adult male horse that has not been castrated, especially one kept for breeding, or an adult male of another equine species. 2. Slang A man regarded as virile and sexually active.